
This past June the Easton Valley Community School District appointed members of our school community to serve on a facility advisory team. This committee has held two in person meetings so far and plans to continue meeting every other week throughout the rest of July and August. Community members that have been appointed and have been able to attend at least one meeting are listed below. Additional appointed members will be added to our list after they are able to participate in future meetings.

Tyler Shannon

Tom Feuerbach

Cari Klemme

Nick Roe  

Brandon Marburger 

Josh Fedderson

Seth Lawson

Mike Bormann 

Corey Driscoll

After a decade of making substantial investments in our instructional spaces, our school district is seeking input from our community about potential ways we can invest in our extracurricular infrastructure. To begin this process, these leaders from our community, along with several of our school district staff and board members, have partnered with Klingner and Associates to develop a Long Term Facility & Grounds Master Plan for our district. 

In our first meeting our committee reached a consensus on our committee's purpose, how communication will flow between all stakeholders, norms the group will adhere to, and the meeting dates/times for the remainder of the summer. We also reviewed the different phases of the master planning process. Following this meeting our district completed a facility inventory to identify the current state of our facility and grounds. We also had a code review conducted on each of our campuses. The inventory and review documents were shared with our facility committee members so they could provide additional input.

In our second facility advisory committee meeting held on July 9, 2024, we engaged in a facility and grounds visioning activity. Each individual who was able to attend was asked to reflect on a number of different extra curricular spaces in our school district. During this activity each member submitted their thoughts about what was working well and what needs to be improved in each different space. The initial thoughts gathered in this meeting are summarized in a Master Set of Notes. Klingner reviewed all the feedback that was submitted so far and organized it into a document to help us identify priorities as we continue our planning process. We are currently in the process of gathering additional information from our activity director, coaches, and program directors.

The focus of our next facility committee meeting will be to develop a community survey that will be sent out to gather additional information that our community will use to better understand our district’s needs and develop a strategic plan for continuing to improve opportunities for our students and school community.

We will continue to post updates from our future meetings to keep our school community informed about our efforts and the information we are learning to help us make informed decisions regarding potential investment opportunities in our grounds and infrastructure.