March 12, 2020
Coronavirus Update 3-12-20
Dear Easton Valley Community:
In light of the Iowa Board of Regents announcement that all state universities will move toward online course w...

March 4, 2020
CLICK HERE to access more information and resources.

October 24, 2019
https://5il.co/az17 https://5il.co/az18 https://5il.co/az19

October 22, 2019
Safe and Healthy Schools in EV
Today Easton Valley and other area schools partnered with law enforcement to do a routine search of our school campuses. The officers searched ou...

October 15, 2019
PAC 4 kids is selling Tervis cups again! We have a new design this year. The order will run for 2 weeks. Forms need to be back at the elementary school by Tuesday October 29 (form...

September 11, 2019
FREE Flu Vaccine
Genesis is offering FREE flu vaccine for Elementary Students grades Kindergarten through 6 th Grade on Monday, October 7 th . Consents will ...

June 17, 2019
Hello Easton Valley,
please click the link below and review the positions open for the 2019-20 Athletic Booster Club . The school community appreciates those willing to volun...